Birds world
Birds are one of the six basic groups of animals. Birds, best known for their ability to fly, are unmatched in their command of the skies. Some species such as kiwis and penguins, lost their ability to fly long ago in favor of lifestyles suited more for land or water. All birds reproduce by laying eggs.Most species lay their eggs in a nest. Nests may vary in size, shape, and construction material, but the most common nest shape is cup-shaped.
Birds do not have teeth.Instead they have bills that are made of the protein keratin. Bird bills come in a variety of shapes and sizes and are adapted to the particular diet of each species. Birds have a tongue, but unlike human tongue, a bird's tongue has a bone in it.
Birds mostly use their keen eyesight to find food.Some amazing hunters, like eagles, have eyesight that is five to six times sharper than a person's. They can spot small prey from a mile away.
Ostriches are flightless birds that have a large body, small head, long legs, and a long neck. Although they cannot fly, they are remarkable runners, able to run at speeds of up to 45 mph for half an hour. Adult ostriches weigh between 220 and 350 pounds and measure between 7 and 9 1/4 feet in height.
An Ostrich |
Also lays the largest birds' eggs; their eggs are up to 4.5 x 7 inches (11 x 18 cm) across and weigh 3 pounds (1400 g).
Birds of ethiopia
Ethiopia is home to an impressive number of species of birds that vary from residents, that stay all year around, to breeding birds, that spend a good part of the growing season in Ethiopia to raise their young, migrants who pass through Ethiopiawith the seasons, to wintering birds who like to spend a good part of the winter in Ethiopia to escape colder conditions up north. Among the species of the checklist of the birds of Ethiopia you can find
Sandgrouse |
Kingfishers |
Cranes |
Pigeons |
Guineafowl |
Helmeted Guineafowl |
Turacos |
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